nginx · Server · Tomcat

Nginx as a reverse-proxy to Apache Tomcat

Why a proxy? Apache's Tomcat is a complex beast whose primary role is to render JavaServer Pages. While it can be configured to use and serve the modern web it's often an unnecessarily complex procedure. By using a dedicated reverse-proxy server such as nginx it allows you to separate web applications from the task of web serving. Use a solo instance of… Continue reading Nginx as a reverse-proxy to Apache Tomcat

CFML/ColdFusion · Eclipse · Railo

Embed a Railo ColdFusion/CFML Server within your CFEclipse/Eclipse application with no need for XML configurations.

This entry will walk you through step by step to enable you from within Eclipse to start and shutdown a custom install of the open source CFML engine Railo running off Apache Tomcat. Most importantly though you will be able to implement this without the need of touching any fickle XML Tomcat configuration files. This… Continue reading Embed a Railo ColdFusion/CFML Server within your CFEclipse/Eclipse application with no need for XML configurations.

CFML/ColdFusion · Railo · Server · VirtualBox

Install Railo on a simple, barebones, Ubuntu Server Linux within a Sun VM Virtual Box virtual machine

This article written in early 2009 is out of date. This tutorial assumes you have a basic knowledge of virtualisation, Linux and the use of the command line. It will walk you through though and explain most things in detail. I created this tutorial mainly for ColdFusion and CFML developers who create applications and need… Continue reading Install Railo on a simple, barebones, Ubuntu Server Linux within a Sun VM Virtual Box virtual machine